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1305, 2024

Welcomes funding for Athenry Town Centre Regeneration

I have received confirmation the Galway County Council have been allocated €6 million for the development of Athenry Town Centre. The funding under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund will provide for the refurbishment of the [...]

905, 2024

Welcomes €1.6m Government funding for sport equipment to various sporting organisations in County Galway.

I have been notified that the Department of Sport & Tourism have today allocated €1.6m to various sporting organisations in Co Galway. “This funding will aid sporting organisations to purchase much needed equipment such as [...]

405, 2024

Government need to re-examine the Affordable Housing Scheme as it is not workable in many parts of the country

I have asked Government to review the Affordable Housing Scheme as it is not working in areas of the country where the density levels cannot be achieved. “The amount of equity being put forward under [...]

3004, 2024

Welcomes €79.5 million Ash dieback support package for farmers

I welcome the announcement of a €79.5 million package for farmers affected by ash dieback by Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue TD today. “I welcome this scheme, but I will need to see the detail [...]

2904, 2024

Welcomes extension of waiver for development levy & water connection charge rebate for housing

I welcome the decision by Government to extend of the Waiver for the development Levy and a water connection rebate for housing. The waiver and rebate scheme were introduced last May for a 12-month period [...]

2604, 2024

Canney Welcomes inclusion of the Western Rail Corridor in the EU Transport network.

I welcome the decision by the European Parliament to include The Western Rail Corridor and Galway Port in the TEN-T Network following an application by the Irish Government last month. This is a game changer [...]

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