I have raised the issue of the Fodder Support Scheme for the Shannon Callows and the fact that farmers are not eligible despite not being able to save the hay due to land being saturated due to summer flooding with the Minister for Argiculture.

The issue of farmers being flooded as a result of flooding from the River Suck also need to be revisited.

“The Minister in reply to my question, acknowledged that there was a serious issue for farmers, and he committed to the re-examination of cases which the scheme has deemed ineligible so far.

The issue revolves around the fact that the satellite pictures do not fully pick up on ground saturation and the inability of farmers to cut hay or silage due to their machinery not being able to access the land.

Any farmer who believes that they are entitled to be included in the Fodder Support Scheme, should contact my office and I will take their case directly to the Minister for review.

Farmers have suffered enormous losses due to the summer floods on the Shannon Callows and along the River Suck and this scheme is vital if they are to survive this winter”.