The Community Call fora received approximately 1,000 calls nationally yesterday. They made approximately 400 follow-up calls to people who have contacted them.
Nationally, since the end of March, the Community Call Fora have received approximately 21,500 calls and have made over 9,500 follow-up calls.
Anyone who needs help, knows someone who needs help, or wants to volunteer to give help should contact their local forum.
The fora are part of the Government’s Community Call initiative led by my department, the Department of Rural and Community Development.
They are run by Local Authorities in conjunction with ALONE, the organisation that supports older people.
The helplines provide advice around the collection and delivery of groceries, fuel and medicines, social outreach services for those feeling isolated and who need to talk to other people and general inquiries about a variety of services, such as meals on wheels and transport to hospitals.
Galway County Council’s Community Response hotline is freephone 1800 928894 and 091 509390, while the ALONE Helpline is 0818-222024.