I congratulate the communities in Kilrickle, Kilcooley and Cappataggle on the completion and turning on of water to the houses and farms. The pipework network has now been completed on the Kilrickle Water Supply Scheme and water is flowing to houses.

Pressure reducing valves and flow meters have also been installed. The pipelines have been chlorinated and water is now connected to homes, farms, and schools.

“After years of disappointment and false dawns 247 homes in Kilrickle/Kilcooley community now have pipe network in place and water is glowing to their homes.

This is now reality and I thank both Communities for their patience. I also recognise and salute the Group Water Scheme Committee of Kilrickle and Kilcooley and Cappataggle Group Water Scheme for their generosity in providing access to a water source.

This has been a long journey and I acknowledge the commitment and support of Galway County Council to the project especially Enda Moloney and Mike Sheils who stuck with the task and brought it to a successful conclusion.

“I have worked closely with the former Minister Eoghan Murphy TD who met the committee with me in Kilrickle, and Minister Dara O’Brien and I thank them for their support.

Well done to the local contractor TK Earthworks & Plant Hire Ltd. on completing the works in a timely way.

This is a fine example of a community coming together to provide the necessary water supply that they are entitled to and the common bond that exists when communities come together to support one another”.